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Cultivating intentional Christian fellowship to strengthen the bonds between reformed and presbyterian young adults and their churches.


Abide is for young adults, led by young adults, with guidance from church leaders.


To see faithfully Reformed young adult gatherings near every NAPARC congregation in North America, whether led by Abide or another faithful effort.

  • Abide began in Central California, but it’s been spreading throughout the US through the leadership of young adults in other locations. Locations center upon Areas led by an Area Coordinator of Events (ACE). Areas located near one another are encouraged to form a Regional Management Team to oversee their cluster of Areas and to put on a Regional Retreat. Abide can be brought to any location with a few NAPARC congregations nearby, so church leaders and young adults are encouraged to learn more by visiting our Volunteer Page.

  • Area events take place under the leadership of an Area Coordinator of Events (ACE). Areas are approximately 50 to 100 miles in reach, depending on the density of NAPARC congregations. Area events provide local opportunities to gather with like-minded believers 3 to 4 times a year. Events include hikes, camping trips, beach days, service projects, conferences, and the like. All events include scripture reading, devotions, and prayer to encourage a warm and welcoming, Christ-centered and God-glorifying atmosphere. Learn more about Areas by visiting the “Abide by You” section on the home page.

  • Annual Regional Retreats provide a wonderful opportunity to gather and hear messages from God's word, sing God’s praise, delve deeper in prayer groups, and enjoy activities and leisure. All young adults are welcome to attend so long as they understand Abide operates from a distantly Reformed perspective. Messages are led by a NAPARC minister on a theme that is relevant to young adult life. Worship services are overseen by the elders and ministers of Trinity URC. Past speakers are Angelo Contreras, Chris Gordon, Greg Lubbers, Jon Bushnell, Joel Beeke, Paul Murphy, and Mark Jones.

  • Originally called West Coast Reformed Fellowship, the organization formed in 2016 among the young adults at Trinity URC in Visalia, CA. Regional Retreats have been held each year since 2017, and dozens of local Area Events have taken place across the country. In 2022, WCRF became Abide. With a new name came a renewed mission and vision to better serve young adults throughout the US. In 2023, we hired a part time administrative assistant to assist our volunteer team of more than twenty young adults. In 2024 we hired our first full time employee, Nicki Imperato, to be our Executive Director. We invite you to visit our history page to learn more.

  • Every Abide volunteer and employee undergoes an onboarding process that consists of education and training, an endorsement from their local elders, and a criminal background check. The Board of Directors provides leadership and direction to the Regional Management Teams and the organization as a whole. The Regional Management Teams oversee an annual regional retreat and the various areas within their region. Together all Abide volunteers and employees use their gifts to glorify God and serve one another. The Consistory of Trinity United Reformed Church of Visalia, CA provides spiritual oversight to the Board of Directors.

  • Our prayer is that all Abide participants " ... may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light." (Col. 1:9-11)


Abide hosts events and retreats for all young adults who desire intentional Christian fellowship among like-minded peers, particularly those from reformed and Presbyterian churches. We partner with people and churches of NAPARC and NAPARC-like congregations that are confessional, covenantal, and committed to the historic reformed faith. 

Abide is a volunteer organization that operates by the efforts and collaboration of dozens of young adults with varying skill and life experience. We work together to provide enjoyable and edifying opportunities for our fellow young adults to grow in grace for God's glory.

Abide group shot
Illustrated Map

Nicki Imperato

Executive Director | Rockies Regional Team: Retreat Committee | Area Coordinator of Events: Colorado Springs

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Nicki joined Abide in 2023. He later became the Executive Director in 2024. He is a member at Black Forest Reformed Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Nicki joined Abide because he saw a need in his area for NAPARC denominations to have a greater degree of fellowship. One thing he’s enjoying about Abide is getting the opportunity to connect young, like-minded believers together. This is a huge need, especially for those in congregations where there are little to no other people in the young adult demographic. Nicki is very excited to see what becomes of Abide long-term as Abide seeks to be represented in every state. Nicki enjoys reading, playing pickleball, and going for walks.


Hope Garrett

Administrative Assistant

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Hope joined Abide in 2023. She is a member at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Franklin Square in Franklin Square, New York. She enjoys using her gifts to help further God's work through Abide and she loves seeing Abide grow and seeing all the connections that young adults are making around the country. She works for Abide as their part-time Administrative Assistant. Hope enjoys taking day trips to New York City, watching football, baseball and hockey, going to the beach and spending time with her husband, David and her two sons.


Richard Otten

Board of Directors: President

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Richard joined Abide in 2023. He’s a member of Grace Presbyterian Church in the Woodlands, Texas. He hopes to use his business experience to help Abide grow as he believes it has amazing potential for connecting young believers. Ever since he attended his first Abide retreat in 2021, Richard has been excited about the idea of bringing together like-minded young people around the country in Christian fellowship. Richard manages a number of small companies across the US, and enjoys hiking, scuba diving, and traveling with his wife Rebecca.


Kyle Kortenhoeven

Board of Directors: Vice-President | Area Coordinator of Events: Greater Los Angeles

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Kyle joined Abide in 2022. He is a member of First United Reformed Church in Chino, California. He joined Abide because he loves being able to connect with people around the country and it’s a great opportunity to serve a need in the church for young adults to get connected and spend time in fellowship. Kyle is the Resident Director and Chapel Coordinator at Providence Christian College. Some of his hobbies include exploring southern California and going to the beach or going hiking with his dog, Fred.


Kellan Bateman

Board of Directors: Treasurer

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Kellan joined Abide in 2021. He attends New Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hanford, California. Kellan enjoys serving with Abide because it targets a demographic he's passionate about and wishes to see flourish in the Lord. He’s an accountant by trade currently working for a family farming operation. In Kellan's free time, he enjoys hiking in the Sierra Nevada mountains and shooting with friends.


Nicole Dotinga

Board of Directors: Secretary

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Nicole joined Abide in 2019. She is a member of Lynden United Reformed Church in Lynden, Washington. Nicole gets excited about Abide because she thinks it is good for Reformed young adults to realize that they are not alone. Some of her hobbies include hiking and art.


Marianne Balt

Board of Directors | Western Regional Team: Vice-Chairman | Western Regional Team: Events/ACE Manager

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Marianne joined Abide in 2020. She’s a member of Escondido United Reformed Church in Escondido, California. Marianne decided to volunteer with Abide after seeing how being intentional about fellowship in her own church benefitted herself and those around her in their walks with Christ. Marianne works as a dental hygienist and loves all the stories she hears. Some of her hobbies are reading, trying new recipes (usually baking) and planning
her next trip.


Joel Weaver

Board of Directors | Western Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Joel is a member of New Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hanford, California, where he preaches and serves as a ruling elder. As part of the founding of Abide in 2016, he enjoys encouraging young adults to develop and use their God-given gifts to serve their peers. He also enjoys spending time with his family, reading, hospitality, boating, and traveling. He is married to Heidi and they have five children.


Brett Tarbell

Board of Directors

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Brett joined Abide in 2023. He attends Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Garland, Texas. He began volunteering to help Abide expand across the country for the sake of deepening fellowship among reformed young adults. He works in digital marketing for an apologetics ministry located in California. Brett enjoys troubleshooting tech, hiking every now and then, and spending time with his wife Olivia and their daughter.


Keane Anrig

Western Regional Team: Chairman

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Keane joined Abide in 2023. He is a member at Grace Presbyterian Church in Fresno, California. He joined Abide after seeing the value of creating events to have young reformed adults make new connections. Keane works as a prosecutor. Some of his hobbies consist of traveling, reading, being involved in politics. He also enjoys spending time with his wife, Erica.


David Visser

Western Regional Team: Financial Manager | Western Regional Team: Retreat Manager

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David joined Abide in 2023. He is a member of Trinity United Reformed Church in Visalia, California. He greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet and connect with fellow believing young adults at Abide events in the last few years, and is excited to help Abide continue gathering young adults in Christian fellowship. David works as an Administrative Analyst at Self-Help Enterprises in Visalia, a non-profit organization providing a variety of low-income support services to the Central Valley. In his free time, David enjoys playing soccer and video games.


Lauren Reeves

Western Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Lauren joined Abide in 2023. She attends Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California. She enjoys helping bring Christian young adults together in fellowship, and to strengthen one another's knowledge of the Lord. Lauren works as a reimbursement specialist for RIS RX. Lauren enjoys running and reading in her free time.


Erica Anrig

Western Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Erica joined Abide in 2024. She attends Fresno Reformed Presbyterian Church in Fresno, California. She has attended many Abide events over the years, and met her husband through one of the retreats. Erica joined Abide because she loves to see reformed young adults be able to get together and form deep friendships and to have the opportunity to connect and grow in their faith. A couple of her favorite things to do are play the piano (which she also teaches) she also loves taking road trips all over the PNW with her husband, Keane.


Ben Smit

Western Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Ben joined Abide in 2023. He is a member of Covenant Grace United Reformed Church in Lynden, Washington. As an Abide volunteer, it is Ben’s desire to help organize local retreats within the Pacific Northwest and to unite God’s people in an age when personal connection can be so difficult. Through Abide, he has had the privilege of meeting some of the finest people and forging new friendships along the way. Ben is a full-time Millwright at PPCO in Ferndale, Washington. He does services and repairs on all types of equipment and has been there for over 10 years. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to podcasts, reading, doing a DIY project, enjoying coffee with friends and strength training.


Gianna Hill

Western Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Gianna joined Abide in 2024. She is a member at Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Medford, Oregon. She joined Abide because she wants to see this amazing ministry flourish and believes that fellowship with like minded believers in similar walks of life is invaluable. Gianna is a Nurses Assistant at Providence Hospital and she also is the music coordinator at her church. She enjoys hiking (especially Wagner Butte in Talent, OR), playing violin and piano and enjoys spending time with her 13 siblings.


Matt Sandoval

Rockies Regional Team: Retreat Committee | Area Coordinator of Events: Central New Mexico

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Matt joined Abide in 2024. He is a member at Bryce Avenue Presbyterian Church in White Rock, New Mexico. Matt volunteers with Abide because he considers Abide’s mission to be an integral part of the church’s daily life (Acts 2:42) and something we ought to work harder towards. He works as a Lab Scientist for an outpatient clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He enjoys meeting people and learning about the medical profession. Some of his hobbies include reading, woodworking and playing soccer.


Alyssa Hofland

Central Regional Team: Retreat Committee

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Alyssa joined Abide in 2024. She is a member of Cornerstone United Reformed Church in Sanborn, Iowa. She joined Abide because she is passionate about the opportunities that Abide gives young adults to connect with one another and wants to help continue that goal. Alyssa has worked for her family's business for the last 3 years. For fun, Alyssa enjoys trying new recipes, learning to make things by hand, working on the farm, and traveling to new places.


Sydney Bovenkamp

Area Coordinator of Events: North Washington

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Sydney joined Abide in 2023. She is a member of Bellingham United Reformed Church in Bellingham, Washington. She joined Abide because she has enjoyed many Abide events, and wants to give back by becoming part of the process and giving other like-minded young people a chance to connect and grow together. She is excited to start becoming more involved with Abide, to learn how to organize events, outreach, build relationships, and to be a meaningful witness in the lives of others. Sydney works as a server and host at an Asian restaurant in Burlington, Washington. She enjoys creative hobbies like photography, doodling and cooking up new recipes, as well as going on adventures with her fiancé, Matthew.


Rachel Allison

Area Coordinator of Events: North Colorado

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Rachel joined Abide in 2024. She is a member of Emmaus Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. She joined Abide because she loves the connections and fellowship with other reformed young adults. Rachel works in the beauty industry as a Medical Aesthetician. She has been in this field of work for 7 years and absolutely loves helping people look and feel their best! Rachel also loves music and her primary hobby outside of work is playing piano. She also enjoys anything outdoors, especially hiking in the Rocky Mountains.


James Lippincott

Area Coordinator of Events: Phoenix

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James joined Abide in 2024. He is a member at Phoenix United Reformed Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Following his participation in a Twenties and Thirties group at his church, James was eager to learn more about how to connect with and foster fellowship among young people at neighboring NAPARC churches by becoming an Area Coordinator of Events through Abide. James recently graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in French and Business. James plays the guitar and loves reading History.


Austin Stobaugh

Area Coordinator of Events: North Utah

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Austin joined Abide in 2024. He is a member of CrossPoint Church (PCA) in Park City, Utah. What excites him about Abide is the opportunity that it gives to help young Reformed Christians to meet and connect, leading to Christ centered friendships and community. Austin is an Airline Pilot and he also serves in the Navy Reserves where he is a pilot as well. For hobbies, Austin is an avid snow skier and you can find him on the mountain any day that he is not working. During the summer he loves to mountain bike, maintain his hives as a beekeeper, or find a nice patch of grass outside to read a good book.


Keegan Tenpenny

Area Coordinator of Events: Middle Tennessee

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Keegan joined Abide in 2024. He is a member of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee. He joined Abide because he wanted to connect young adults within his local church, and to create fun and lasting memories in the local presbytery for fellow churchgoers. Keegan is a staff member at Troubadour, (a Nashville golf club) and enjoys helping fellow employees there since 2023. Some of his hobbies include reading history, helping with the local Trail Life chapter, and exploring caves in Tennessee.


Matt Walkenhorst

Area Coordinator of Events: Cincinnati-Dayton

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Matt joined Abide in 2024. He is a member of and licensed to exhort at Ascension Reformed Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. As the leader of the young adult fellowship group at his church, Matt joined Abide to foster more young adult connections across the region. He and his wife Courtney benefited greatly from a college ministry which they met through, and both desire to walk alongside young adult Christians, encouraging them to make connections with others in the same phase of life. By day, Matt is a Senior Facility Technician at the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati. By night, Matt is preparing for ordination in the URCNA, filling pulpits regularly, and teaching classes at his church. Aside from wrestling his three sons, Matt enjoys perusing book stores filled with old books, studying history, and staying active.

Meet the Team

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