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The Abide Press | Issue 1 – Who Is Abide? A Reformed Community

Who We Are & Why We Exist

  • Mission: Cultivating international Christian fellowship to strengthen the bonds between reformed and presbyterian young adults and their churches.

  • Vision: To see faithful reformed young adult gatherings near every NAPARC congregation in North America, whether led by Abide or another faithful effort.

  • Maxim: Abide is for young adults, led by young adults, with guidance from church leaders.

Meeting The Need

Reformed and presbyterian churches in NAPARC are not the majority of Christian churches in America. With only 2,700 churches, finding like-minded reformed and presbyterian believers between the ages of 18 to mid-30s can be difficult. Compare that to the roughly 90,000 Southern Baptist and non-denominational churches throughout the country! Abide exists to meet this urgent need for a strong, Christ-centered community among reformed young adults—a need that many church elders have expressed concern over. We provide them with a healthy community that connects them with like-minded believers in their local area. In addition, Abide is equipped to welcome unbelievers where they can encounter the gospel authentically.

Joel Beeke speaking at young adult retreat
Rev. Joel Beeke and the attendees of Abide's 2021 Retreat.

Local Abide "Areas"

What makes Abide so unique is that we rely heavily on volunteers, rather than employees. By investing in employees, our volunteers can thrive in their positions. With only 2 employees and 25 volunteers, Abide can reach young adults in NAPARC churches throughout the country that otherwise may not exist. We call these “areas” – a gathering of local young adults 3-4 times a year as area coordinators put on various events. These events center on cultivating genuine fellowship while communing with Christ together as a community through reading Scripture, a devotional, prayer, and singing praise to Christ. Whether you’re a church leader or a young adult, visit our areas page and see if we are in an area near you and join our community!

2025 Retreats

In 2025 we will be having two retreats! These retreats are a time for young adults to come together, deepen their faith in rich community of like-minded believers, and build lifelong connections. Early Bird Registration is open through December 29th for our Western Regional Retreat at the breathtaking Zephyr Point at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Our second retreat will be held at the gorgeous Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs with Early Bird Registration open through February 23rd for our Rockies Regional Retreat. Sign up for these retreats today!

Abide’s Expansion Campaign

Our objective is to raise funds by the end of 2024 to ensure Abide can continue its operations of expansion and cover the overhead costs of Abide to operate. The funds raised will cover the costs of local events and regional retreats for individuals who need financial support, speaker and travel fees, legal fees, insurance, and many other administrative fees. Other overhead costs include developing an official Abide app and providing a living wage for our two employees. With your help, we can deepen our reach, create more fellowship opportunities, and sustain the work of Abide. Join our movement here. Prizes go to the top three fundraisers!

Smiling man with glasses

Volunteer Spotlight: Kellan Bateman | President of the Board of Directors

I presently have the position of president of Abide, and have since April of 2022; serving in this role is a challenging and enjoyable opportunity. It is a joy to see people grow in the Lord and serve with love in a wide variety of roles. I began volunteering with Abide in February of 2021. It has proven to be a wonderful opportunity to serve both the Lord and others alongside wonderful young adults. I even was able to meet my wife, Larren, through the fellowship Abide offers! I enjoy hiking in the Sierra Nevada mountains and shooting. Fun fact: I can whistle and hum at the same time; yes, the sound is as annoying as you might imagine.

Stay Connected

Join us at "Abide" on the “Spaces by Wix” app to easily stay updated. Use the invite code: MKVTBB. Also, follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook, X, YouTube, and TikTok.

1 Comment

Dec 23, 2024

Its tough finding a reformed community of friends so I am excited for the opporunity to build a community with Abide.

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